Mar Thoma Mission Srikakulam:


Mar Thoma Mission Srikakulam is the largest mission field of the Delhi Diocese, located in the border area of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and working among the people around it, especially among Dalits and Tribals like Savara and Kandh people. This mission has been growing and moving ahead with different mission activities by preaching the Gospel, establishing churches, educating the children, healing the sick, supporting the poor, needy, widow, orphan and so on for the glory of God.     

Rev. Govinda Besra is working as the Missionary since 1st of May, 2018 along with his family.  There are 17 Evangelists who are living in different villages and preaching the Gospel and leading the congregations. 2 Mission Coordinators are coordinating all the activities under the guidance of the Missionary Achen.

The major mission activities include Gospel preaching, village and house visiting, visiting the sick,  hospital visiting, conducting prayers in the houses, one to one relation, Sunday Worship service, Holy Communion service, Friday Fasting prayer, Bible Study class, Sunday school, VBS, Youth fellowship, Gospel Meeting, Cottage prayers, Christmas celebration, Passion Week observation and so on. All the activities aim for the spiritual growth of the members. At present there are 16 congregations and 5 house fellowship apart from many friends and seekers around the villages.

There are two hostels running under Srikakulam Mission, namely Jeeva Abhay Boys’ Hostel and Jeeva Dhara Girls’ Hostel. There were 31 children 16 Boys and 15 girls respectively in 2018-19 academic year. All these children are provided all required support for their physical, spiritual and academic growth.

3 Balwadies (Literacy Class) and 3 Tailoring Schools are also working in different villages for the upliftment of the poor and needy.  Awareness programs are conducted around the mission in terms of self supporting skills, savings, maintaining hygiene, against superstition etc. for the betterment of the people.

This mission has been backbone support for many since its initial stage by extending different kinds of assistance to the people in their difficult situations. Support in terms of academic aid like helping poor students for nursing and other higher studies, marriage aid, supporting to construct and repair houses, medical aid and so on. People associated with this mission are supported and encouraged to have happy and peaceful living.